Man, Playtex must really want teen girls to use their tampons.

After sponsoring the “Power Play” mini, they’re now teaming up with MuchMusic to send you and a friend to Toronto to visit the Degrassi set.

Yes there is a catch…the official rules state (I’m making it large and bold so people don’t keep asking):

To enter and to be eligible to win, entrant must be a legal resident of Canada (excluding Quebec) and be thirteen (13) years of age or older.

If you’re a Canadian under the age of 13 you can enter, but if you win one of your parents has to accept the prize on your behalf.

The winner and their guest will receive:

1) round-trip airfare from the Canadian airport closest to their residence to Toronto (unless you live within 200km of TO, then no airfare is included)
2) 3-night stay at a hotel and $500 spending cash

You’ll be responsible for all costs outside of that, including transportation to and from the Degrassi set.  The contest says you’ll be “hanging out” on set, but there’s no extra information about what that actually means.

To enter, click on the link below and follow the directions on the contest page:

The winner will be chosen approximately on Monday, May 28th.


Degrassi Telenovela Expanding to International Markets

Echo Bridge Entertainment has done far more than just producing the Degrassi dvds…they’ve spent quite a bit of time securing broadcast deals so to air Degrassi in other countries (mainly Europe).  Over the past several years they’ve been successful in getting countries to pick up some combination of Seasons 7, 8 and 9.  I believe it was last year that they started pitching Seasons 10 and 11, and they’ve finalized a deal with MTV International to air those two seasons in places like the U.K., Benelux, Scandinavia, Italy, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Germany, Australia and Spain.

Does anyone know if Degrassi’s syndication deal still exists here in the U.S.? You know, the one where they were airing Seasons 3 & 4 and maybe 5 as E/I programming?

Posted by Kary


  1. Can they maybe hold a contest where you don’t need to be a resident of Canada? That would really make my day..



  2. I wish try had contest likethis for Americans! :(



  3. Seeing as Canadian programming relies much more on international sales for renewal… hoorah!



  4. soprettylittleliars April 3, 2012 at 9:14 pm

    I don’t get why Quebec are always exclude of these things! It’s in Canada too for god sake!



    1. If I’m wrong someone please correct me, but the simple version of it seems to be that Quebec sort of has its own set of rules regarding contests…basically they’re a pain in the ass so it’s easier to just exclude them lol



      1. soprettylittleliars April 4, 2012 at 2:00 pm

        So it’s our fault! Damn!


  5. That’s right Kary. Essentially when you run a sweepstakes contest in Quebec, the government owns you and can shut it down anytime they want.



  6. Well well. Guess who’s 12 and lives in Australia? ME! Obviously no chance here.



  7. I wish I lived in Canada!!!! Low crime rate, skiing resorts and oh yea… DEGRASSI!!! It’s not fair!!!!!! We need something like that for America.



  8. How come Americans can’t enter we watch Degrassi just as much as the canadian girls and love it just as much if not more. I guess they were just to cheap to fly a girl to canada and make her dreams come true.



    1. Ikr??? I envy those Canadians!!! I wish I was a LEGAL Canadian citizen so bad. But there’s no use of crying about.



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